Download BitMinter Client 1.6.1 for free

All people who want to get cryptocurrency on their account can get it for free by downloading and installing the undemanding BitMinter Client mining program. It is created for those who do not want to go into the smallest nuances of mining and do not have a powerful computing equipment (mining farm).

The developers of BitMinter Client pursued several goals, the main one being to make it easier and simpler for users from all over the world to obtain bitcoins, and to popularize the cryptocurrency.

The program is a graphical shell of BitMinter pool – one of the oldest and most reliable cryptocurrency platforms in the United States for collective coin mining. It is already configured and can be activated with a single “Engine Start” button.

No matter what kind of computer you have at home – you will still make a profit. The only difference is the amount of remuneration per blockchain block disclosed.

BitMinter Client can work effectively on a home PC with a discrete video card, on mining farms of any configuration, on devices with special ASIC chips. The upper left part of the window is dedicated to the hash rate counter for determining the speed of bitcoin generation.

The list of devices participating in mining, the number of microtransactions performed and blocked by the server, and the total session time are also displayed next to it.

How to install and start working

There are a few simple steps to follow before you start mining:
1. Go to and register a user profile;
2. Create an automatic vorker and come up with a password for it;
3. Download, install and bind BitMinter Client to your profile;
4. Specify the username and password of the vorker in the client;
5. Create a bitcoin wallet and specify its address in the “Auto Cash Out” field;
6. Press the “Engine Start” button.


• Can run on weak and powerful Windows systems;
• Displays all important information about the current status of the mining devices;
• Has its own ranking of wokers and best giveaways;
• One-button activation;
• Free Software.


• Works only with BitMinter pool;
• There is no Russian language version.

Download BitMinter Client for free:

Read more articles about cryptocurrencies and mining at COOL-MINING.ORG.

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