It turned out to be a successful year: Durov promised a lot of new things and kept his word.
Many updates have been released. Added archives, polls, the ability to transfer the rights of the admin channel, animated stickers, a timer for messages, geochats.
Many updates have been released. Added archives, polls, the ability to transfer the rights of the admin channel, animated stickers, a timer for messages, geochats.
The year was a little complicated by the need to delay the launch of the blockchain due to the SEC lawsuit. In the past year, the SEC did decide to plant a Telegram pig.
We put on the Head of All Telegram and lawyers who will cope and the world will see perhaps the most anticipated project 2018-2020.
The big victory of the messenger was the growth of the audience from 200 million users to 400-600 million (figures vary) for the year.
We wish the messenger with the airplane prosperity and reach the mark of one billion active users in 2020!
The most expensive moment for major cryptocurrencies was in late 2021; bitcoin reached $69,146 in November. But a precipitous decline began in the first half of 2022, and it has continued ever since.
Huang Renxun, CEO of Nvidia, has publicly stated that there is a problem of excess inventory and they are selling video cards at a lower price. Graphics card manufacturers including ASUS, MSI, GIGABYTE, ASRock, Huanxun, Leadtek, Biostar and Chengqi will also continue to face the pressure of price cuts and stock adjustments in the second half of the year.
Vitalik expressed support for Optimism's governance structure and the OP gas proposal. The Ethereum co-founder has often advocated that projects do away with coin voting in DeFi and DeGov, as this would give smaller holders a chance to actually participate in governance. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin supported Optimism's new governance structure, noting that proposals such as using the OP token to pay for gas demonstrate a "clear representation of non-tokenholder interests."