An increase in the number of active Bitcoin addresses (BTC)

An increase in the number of active BTC addresses has been recorded

Glassnode analysts have recorded an increase in the number of active bitcoin addresses

According to the analytical portal Glassnode, the number of active addresses in the Bitcoin network increased to the level of July 2019, when the leading cryptocurrency rate rose to a local maximum of $ 13,800.

At the same time, the researchers emphasized that when calculating the statistics, wallets with several addresses belonging to the same user were not taken into account.

At the same time, analysts note a significant increase in the number of addresses with a certain balance over the past twelve months.

  • Addresses with any number of BTC: + 24.2%
  • Addresses from 0.01 BTC: + 18.5%
  • Addresses from 0.1 BTC: + 14.6%
  • Addresses from 1 BTC: + 11.4%

This trend indicates an increasing interest in bitcoin from new investors amid uncertainty in traditional financial markets. People are increasingly choosing cryptocurrencies as a hedge against flying oil and other traditional assets.

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