z-enemy v2.6.2 (Dk & Enemy) Download Nvidia GPU miner for Windows/Linux

The latest version of Z-ENEMY 2.6.2 is available for Nvidia CUDA 9.1, 9.2, 10.0 and 10.1 for 64-bit versions of Windows and Linux. Make sure you have the latest video driver installed for the version of CUDA you want to use – 388+ for 9.1, 397+ for 9.2 and 411 or later for CUDA 10.0 or the latest versions for CUDA 10.1.

Please note miners are often marked as malware by antivirus programs. This is not so, they are marked simply because they are cryptocurrency miners. If you do not trust the software, do not use it!

Changes z-enemy v2.6.2 with Kawpow (RavenCoin):

  • Fixed compatibility with Nicehash, Miningpoolhub and some other pools (“epoch initialization failed” error).
  • Fixed crash while trying to load json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)
  • Temporarily disabled environment variables in json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)

First time or troubleshooting kawpow:

  • First time users – all ver. 2.02+ works on Cuda 9.x &Cuda 10.x and it is recommended to make sure you’ve updated your NVIDIA drivers. You can find drivers here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx ver., min ver.398+++
  • Next important thing is intensity. We recommend intensity for start -19 or 20,(21 for 20×0) at first.
  • kawpow algo using +cc&+mem , but use no OC at first until you verify stability…

Starting with version 2.0 and above, the miner comes with built-in HTTP JSON API server and web control panel. When the miner is started, the server is automatically started, accessible with your browser at (or http://localhost:4067 if you wish). You can specify any external IP address using –api-bind-http=addr:port If you want to disable it use –api-bind-http=0

There are also few API methods returning json-formatted data available.

  1. Shares history: http://localhost:4067/history
  2. Current pool info: http://localhost:4067/poolinfo
  3. GPU hardware info: http://localhost:4067/hwinfo
  4. Summary (optionally includes gpu info and pool info): http://localhost:4067/summary?poolinfo=1 (summary with current pool info) http://localhost:4067/summary?gpuinfo=1 ( summary with gpu info) http://localhost:4067/summary (short summary, no pool or gpu info)
  5. Remote quit (or restart, if you start the miner in the loop): http://localhost:4067/quit

More detailed information about these methods (everything below are GET methods only)

Changelog z-enemy:


Kawpow (RavenCoin):

  • Fixed compatibility with Nicehash, Miningpoolhub and some other pools (“epoch initialization failed” error).
  • Fixed crash while trying to load json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)
  • Temporarily disabled environment variables in json config files in Ubuntu 16 based distributions (HiveOS 4)



  • Fixed broken non-kawpow algos in version 2.6


Kawpow (RavenCoin):

  • Faster initialization on multi-gpu rigs
  • Performance improvements (few percent)
  • Smoother gpu/power load
  • Default intensity value increased from 20 to 21 for gtx 1070/1080 series


  • GPU reports are now grouped together
  • Average hashrate is no longer displayed incorrectly low when the miner starts up.
  • Added average shares/min reports
  • You can now use environment variables in your config files (%ADDR% and so on)
  • Default pause time between reconnection attempts is now 10 seconds



  • Added kawpow algo (Upcoming Ravencoin hardfork)

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