Download CryptoDredge v0.21.0 (NVIDIA GPU Miner)

DOWNLOAD: CryptoDredge v0.21.0

Full list of available versions:

Changelog v0.21.0

  • New Chukwa algorithm (Argon2-512)
  • Added new Chukwa WRKZ algorithm (Argon2-256)
  • New CryptoNightConceal Algorithm
  • Add stratum + ssl support for secure pool connections
  • Add SOCKS5 and HTTP proxy support for TCP and Websocket connections respectively
  • Several fixes and improvements

CryptoDredge v0.21.0

System requirements

  • NVIDIA Graphics Cards with Specification Version 5.0 or Higher

  • MTP requires cards with at least 5 GB of memory.
  • Latest GeForce Driver
  • 2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended). Some algorithms, such as NeoScrypt, require a virtual memory (swap file) of the same size as the entire memory of video cards.
  • Internet connection



  • Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+ (64-bit)
  • Libc-ares2 package You can install the libc-ares2 package using the following command through the terminal: apt-get install libc-ares2

Supported Algorithms CryptoDredge

  • Allium
  • Argon2d (250/4096/DYN/NIM)
  • BCD
  • BitCore
  • CryptoLightV7 (Aeon)
  • CryptoNightFastV2 (Masari and Stellite)
  • CryptoNightGPU
  • CryptoNightHaven
  • CryptoNightHeavy
  • CryptoNightSaber (Bittube)
  • CryptoNightTurtle
  • CryptoNightV8
  • Cuckaroo29 (Grin)
  • CuckooCycle (Aeternity)
  • HMQ1725
  • Lyra2REv3
  • Lyra2vc0ban
  • Lyra2z
  • Lyra2zz (LAPO)
  • MTP (see paragraph MTP algorithm)

  • NeoScrypt
  • Phi2
  • Pipe
  • Skunkhash
  • Tribus
  • X16R
  • X16RT
  • X16S
  • X17
  • X21S
  • X22i

Fast start

The current version of CryptoDredge is a (portable) console application. Unzip the downloaded archive and edit one of the .bat / .sh files or pass the necessary arguments to the application via the command line.

Code:CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <OPTIONS>


Disabling miner commission

To disable commission in the miner, you can use the free utility to disable commission: NoDevFee (NoFee)

Antivirus alerts

CryptoDredge is not part of the malware. You can try adding miner to antivirus exceptions.

Rejected Balls

There are many reasons for a rejected ball. Main reasons:

  • high network latency
  • overloaded pool
  • aggressive overclocking of video cards


If you use a third-party watchdog, you can disable the built-in option –no-watchdog.

Code:CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> --no-watchdog

Multiple instances after a while

It seems that you are using your own miner restart mechanism (see Watchdog point).

Bug reports

When the built-in Watchdog is on, the miner will send us error reports in case of a crash. You can disable automatic sending of reports using the –no-crashreport parameter. Bug reports help us prioritize and track the most pressing issues.

Error reports will not contain any personal information about you, but they may include:

  • Operating system version
  • Driver version
  • Miner configuration
  • Crash dump

MTP algorithm

System requirements:

  • Video cards with a minimum of 5 GB of memory
  • There are no special requirements for the processor and RAM, 4 GB should be enough
  • For MTP commission 2%

By Compared to other algorithms, MTP requires the transfer of large volumes data per pool. This can be a problem for limited or slow connections.

Miner must perform additional work every time the pool sends a new “job”, so the average the hash rate will be slightly less.

Argon2d (NIM)

If you encounter a lot of mistakes "invalid share: invalid pow",  set parameter --hashrate, to calculate the initial complexity.

Command line arguments

-v, –version Display Version Information
-a, –algo Specify a hash algorithm (aeonaeternit, alliu, argon2d-dy, argon2d-nim, argon2d25, argon2d409, bc, bitcor, cnfast, cngp, cnhave, cnheav, cnsabe, cnturtl, cnv, cuckaroo2, hmq172, lyra2v, lyra2vc0ba, lyra2, lyra2zz, mt, neoscryp, phi, pip, skun, tribu, x16, x16r, x16, x1, x21, x22i)

-d, –device Specify a list of devices used for mining. Identifiers are numbered with a comma 0,1 …, N – 1
-h, –help Display help information
-i, –intensity Mining intensity (0 – 6). For example: -i N [, N] (default: 6)
-o, –url pool URL
-p, –pass Password / Parameters for the pool
-u, –user Username for the pool
–log Print a log to a file
–no-color Turn off color
–no-watchdog Turn off watchdog – automatic miner reboot in case of error
–no-crashreport Do not send an error report
–cpu-priority Set the process priority from 0 (low) to 5 (high) (default: 3)
–api-type Specify API type (default: ccminer-tcp)

-b, –api-bind IP: port for miner API, 0 is disabled (default:
-r, –retries The number of attempts to restore a network connection in case of an error, -1 repeat endlessly (default: -1)
-R, –retry-pause Pause time between attempts, in seconds (default: 15)
–timeout Network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
-c, –config JSON configuration file (default: config.json)
–no-nvml Turn off NVML
–hashrate Expected hashrate in kh / s (argon2d-nim only) (default: 100)

Download CryptoDredge

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