Qt Bitcoin Trader
Qt Bitcoin Trader allows you to trade faster and more conveniently on many of the leading trading exchanges around the world, which is why you can quickly and conveniently make trading transactions for buying and selling cryptocurrencies …
If you want to start trading on such trading exchanges Wex, Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Poloniex, EXMO, HitBTC, Bitfinex, BTC-e, Bitstamp, BitmarketPL, BTCChina, GOC io and Indacoin, then this article is a must-read, as in In this article, we will consider with you the work of one bot that works using a special api-protocol. This bot is called Qt Bitcoin Trader, and the main specialization of this bot is as you understand the notorious and well-known currency bitcoin.
A little about Qt Bitcoin Trader.
The Qt Bitcoin Trader program allows you to trade quickly and accurately on many cryptocurrencies, but its main specialization is Bitcoin, which became quite famous due to its unprecedented growth at one moment, when no one actually expected it. The Qt Bitcoin Trader software has a database of strategies, and thanks to a large database of trading exchanges, it allows you to make money on this business much more conveniently than its other predecessors. One and in fact the main advantage is that the qt bitcoin trader program has ready-made scripts that allow you to use ready-made solutions when trading on cryptocurrency exchanges.
This software helps you open and cancel orders quickly. Real-time data monitoring
In addition, this program allows:
- add real-time charts;
- make the rules more advanced.
It is also worth noting that:
- developed a server to collect all tickers and data depths to provide a single WebSocket connection for real-time data updates;
- a mobile application has been developed to provide secure remote access to a running application on the desktop;
- added plugin support so that all developers can connect to any exchanges;
- added support for simultaneous monitoring of many exchanges and currencies.
It should also be understood that this software is completely open source, and it is based on the well-known OpenSSL engine. Thus, it uses AES 256 encryption, which allows you to store keys and API passwords in an encrypted form, which is almost impossible to decode without special software. If you want to have a good assistant in the world of trading on your computer, then you should download qt bitcoin trader scripts to your PC.
Getting started with Qt Bitcoin Trader.
Before you get started, you should download this software from the developer’s website on the official website. Then you need to unzip the files inside and run. You can also download the program using the qt bitcoin trader forum. There you can also find reviews about the qt bitcoin trader.
After the first launch of this software, you will see the following picture, namely the window for creating a new profile.
At this stage, you need to enter an API key and a secret code in a special field, select an exchange, well, create a new, more or less reliable password, and enter a login in the system.
Don’t worry about your data, as all your data will be fully encrypted and stored only on your PC in your user profile folder. This is ensured, as already mentioned above, due to the operation of the OpenSSL engine with its inherent level of data encryption to ensure complete security.
It should also be understood that you can simultaneously enable check for updates in the login form. If you are the owner of a stationary computer or laptop on Mac and Windows operating systems, then an update is available to you, which will take place in a completely automated mode after each launch of the program.
The site that checks files for relevance is GitHub, from which the necessary files will actually be downloaded in case of a new update. This is due to the fact that the checksum of the binary file is stored on the GitHub site, which is encrypted using RSA2048. Thus, you can be completely sure that there will not be any risk of replacing files with malicious ones. If a new update suddenly appears, then you will have a window like this:
Description of the Qt Bitcoin Trader interface.
On the left side of the workspace of the program, you can see the lists of orders opened by the software trading bot, which are constantly updated in real time. In the program, you can create various orders yourself for absolutely any amount, both for the purchase and sale of digital assets. The main condition is that you will be able to make transactions for the amount you have in your account. In no case can you exceed this limit. For some time now, the program has learned how to delete orders with an excess balance on your account.
In addition, it is possible to delete an order, and of course it will go into the status of completely canceled at the same moment. This happens even though the site still maintains as active. This is due to the API receiving confirmation of delivery.
The data that is available on the site is fully updated with one request, but at the same time except for the most recent price. Also, the update is due to the cost of the latest bids.
There is a special commission calculator. This calculator can be activated by clicking on the small button at the top.
Everything in the program, it also works, except for one moment, that the process of loading the balance takes place in automatic mode, as well as all the latest prices, which make the trading process much easier. You have the opportunity to open any number of calculators at your personal discretion.
The program allows you to create a special rule that allows you to create orders to buy or sell assets in a fully automatic mode.
At the moment there are as many as two modes in which you can create rules. These include such modes as “One by one” and “Parallel”.
- In the first case, namely “In turn”, checking one line depends on the correctness of the other.
- In the case of the second mode, namely “Parallel”, all the rules are checked, and one of them will be automatically executed.
You will be able to change the order of execution of the rules, as well as completely edit the existing rules.
Some specific values have a special sound alert that looks like a speaker icon that can be turned on or off using the switch button.
There is also the ability to unhook the groupboxes, which can now be made separate windows, thereby making the work even easier, especially for those who have multiple monitors on 1 capture card of their computer.
If you are the owner of the Windows operating system, then you have a unique opportunity to enable the portable mode, which can be done by creating the QtBitcoinTrader folder in the same place as the root file of the program in exe format was unpacked, and it is in it that all encrypted files will be stored.
Multilingual in Qt Bitcoin Trader.
It should be understood that the program is currently fully released in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Dutch and Norwegian.
This engine has absolutely any fields that have any values in the program. Fields with a red marker are English translation matches.
After you finish editing the file, you must provide your email address. It is after this that the developer checks and adds the translation of the program to the new version. The translation is checked for correctness and dimensionality of the translation.
Phishing versions of the program.
After the release of such interesting software, clone programs with viruses began to be released in large volumes. And as you can understand, they were clones of this particular program. That is why in no case download programs in which you are not sure, but best of all try to download any program on the developer’s website.
As you can imagine, the QBT (qt bitcoin trader binance) program will not take up much space on your computer, but at the same time it will allow you to get a powerful tool to help you trade on the main cryptocurrency exchanges. It should be remembered that the bot itself does not know how to trade, but only helps in trading. And as one person said, in a forum dedicated to this program “The multi-coin exchange system is well integrated. These securities need to be improved ”, with which we completely agree!
Well, in general, if you are new to this business, then such a bot will help you in order to get used to the exchanges, as well as earn your first money, applying the knowledge of many experienced raiders in practice. If you are a professional, then such a program will be your personal assistant for making big money in the world of trading in cryptocurrency assets.