MiniZ v2.0: download and configure miner Equihash, Ethash, ProgPoW, Octopus
One of the fastest miners for Equihash is MiniZ. For a broader story about the miner, you can read in this article.
MiniZ v1.6w2 – Cuda miner Equihash / BeamHash III
Download: miniz 1.6w2 miniZ is a fast and friendly Equihash <144,5> BeamHash III <150,5,3> <125,4> <192,7> <210,9> <150,5>...
MiniZ v1.6v5 (Download Fast Nvidia Equihash Miner)
miniZ – best Equihash Miner miniZ supports Equihash 144.5, Equihash 150.5, Equihash 150.5.3 as well as Equihash 192.7,...
New MiniZ v1.5t3: Download Nvidia CUDA GPU miner for Windows
A new version of miniZ 1.5t3 for Equihash-based algorithms has been released, providing improved performance for Equihash 125.4...
miniZ 1.5t – Download Equihash Miner for Nvidia GPU
miniZ 1.5t - Download and Configure Equihash Miner for Nvidia GPU. Major performance improvements for Equihash algorithms 150.5 and 210.9 with up to 4% depending on the algorithm and the GPU used. Nvidia RTX 2070 receives up to 8% on Equihash 192.7, as well as 1660 Ti.
Download miniZ v1.3 n5 (Equihash Cuda Miner, 2%)
miniZ v1.3 n5 is a quick and easy miner Equihash <144.5> <150.5> <125.4> <192.7> <210.9> <96.5> Cuda miner. The development fee is set at 2% (Dev-Fee 2%). miniZ supports Windows and Linux.
Download MiniZ v1.4o (Equihash Cuda miner)
MiniZ v1.4o is a fast and easy miner Equihash <144.5> <150.5> <125.4> <192.7> <210.9> <96.5> Cuda miner. The development fee is set at 2% (Dev-Fee 2%). miniZ supports Windows and Linux.