TT-Miner v5.0.3: Nvidia GPU miner KAWPOW, ProgPoW, MTP, EAGLESONG, EPIC, ETHASH

TT-Miner- A program for video cards of the Nvidia family. Supports three hashing algorithms. It is mainly used for mining on the ProgPoW algorithm.

Release 5.0.3 (Windows only!!!)

  • add support for CUDA 11RC

Features of TT-Miner:

  1. farm management from one computer
  2. GPUs performance monitoring
  3. Hashrate / s performance rating
  4. switching a farm or just one video card to other pools or another coin in a few seconds
  5. low memory and processor power
  6. Supports CUDA 9.2 and CUDA 10.0

Supports Algorithms:

  • ProgPOW
  • ProgPOWZ
  • Ubqhash
  • MTP
  • Ethash
  • Lyra2REv3
  • Eaglesong

In the current version, the miner supports cuda 9.2, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2 and 11.0. If you want to make sure that TT-Miner uses a specific version of cuda, add one of these values, if you do not add any of them, the miner will always use the algorithm for the latest version of cuda:

-92 for cuda 9.20 (ETHASH-92, UBQHASH-92)
-100 for cuda 10.00 (ETHASH-100, PROGPOW-100)
-101 for cuda 10.10 (ETHASH-101, MTP-101)
-102 for cuda 10.20 (ETHASH-102, MTP-102)
-110 for cuda 11.00 (ETHASH-110, MTP-110)

Please note the following requirements for different releases of the Cuda Toolkit:

Cuda-Toolkit Linux Windows
CUDA 11.0.189 RC >= 450.36.06 >= 451.22
CUDA 10.2.89 >= 440.33 >= 441.22
CUDA 10.1.105 >= 418.39 >= 418.96
CUDA 10.0.130 >= 410.48 >= 411.31
CUDA 9.2.148 >= 396.37 >= 398.26

You may need the latest version of C ++ for beta 6 if you see the missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll:

Configure TT-Miner

  1. TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe – indicate in the batch file which program we want to run. This file should be in the same folder as our bat file
  2. PROGPOW-100 – indicate the algorithm of the coin that we are going to mine
  3. iN5h4sGcf1BD7R1mgaqkeGWnDvAubzyEKg – after the construction -P stratum + tcp: // specify the address of our digital wallet. You can take it on the exchange where the coin is traded, or install a cold wallet
  4. rig1 – after we entered the wallet address, put a dot and indicate the name of our farm. You can use any. This is necessary to track statistics on the pool.
  5. – after the @ sign we indicate the address of the pool. You can select a good pool here.
  6. 3910 specifying the address of the pool, put a colon and indicate the port of the pool
  7. –list-devices – the command will display all available devices for mining

So we set up the program for the first launch. How to run it? The cryptocurrency mining process is launched by double-clicking on the created or edited batch file (file with the .bat extension). So, we launch and look at what the program console writes to us.

  1. TradeTec-Miner – the program reports the installed version
  2. Found 2 CUDA devices – two mining devices are available
  3. #0 PCI 0:1 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (6.1) CoreClk 139 MHz | MemClk 495 MHz | 11264 MB | SM: 28 – the name of the video card, the overclocked core and memory, the available amount of video memory
  4. – the pool that we indicated in the batch file
  5. iN5h4sGcf1BD7R1mgaqkeGWnDvAubzyEKg – wallet address to which coins will be sent
  6. YOUR WORKER – name of the farm (optional)
  7. Use algo: ProgPoW (Programmatic Proof-of-Work) – we specified the ProgPoW algorithm
  8. CUDA 10.0 – the cuda architecture on which video cards work
  9. Press ‘Q’ to stop mining and terminate – if you press the Q key in the active miner window, the program will close
  10. Set nonce generation to mode: 3 – timeout: 0.00 secs . – the nonce parameter is set to mode 3. More on this below
  11. Subscribed to – we were able to connect to the pool
  12. Received new job#: d27a – pool sent a new job for video cards
  13. Pool difficulty update: 0.08 GH – the pool set the difficulty to 0.08 GH. convenient power calculator you will find here
  14. Worker authorized: YOUR WORKER – we logged in to the pool
  15. create new DAG for epoch 6 – DAG file for mining is generated. Need to wait a bit
  16. DAG created in 2.7 seconds – A DAG file was created in 2.7 seconds
  17. Accepted 86 ms. – the pool made a decision (share) from our video card. The remuneration to the miners is paid precisely for the number of solved ball.

batch file example:

@echo off


TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe -A PROGPOW-100 -P stratum+tcp:// --list-devices

rem using payfrom on CoinBlockers
rem TradeTec-MinerCmd.exe -A PROGPOW-100 -P stratum+tcp:// --list-devices

echo resta

Finished .bat files:











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