SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner v0.4.6 [Скачать для Windows/Linux]

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner v0.4.6:

  • CPU miner это программа для майнинга криптовалют на различных алгоритмах для CPU.
  • AMD GPU Miner — это майнер для добычи криптовалют на видеокартах семейства AMD.
  • Обе программы входят в состав одного релиза для ОС платформ на базе Windows/Linux x64 bit.

Что нового v0.4.6?

  • Исправлен алгоритм «defyx» на процессорах Intel (предыдущая версия его сломала)
  • Статистика хэширования (нажатие кнопки «h») теперь показывает текущую скорость хэширования процессора, а не среднее значение 10 секунд
  • Уменьшено время повторного подключения бассейна до 15 сек.
  • Добавлен параметр ‘–gpu-ethash-mode’ к параметрам cmd
  • Добавлен параметр ‘gpu_ethash_mode’ в параметры конфигурации
  • Добавлен параметр ‘ethash_mode’ в параметры gpu_conf
  • Добавлен параметр –disable-cpu-auto-affinity

Возможности майнера SRBMiner-MULTI

  • Режим управляемой настройки
  • Возможность переключения алгоритма без внешнего приложения
  • Запуск в фоновом режиме без окна консоли
  • Сторожевой таймер хешрейта, который перезапускает майнер при ошибке видеокарт
  • Контроль температуры видеокарты и автоматическое отключение, если температура слишком высокая
  • Отключение системы при слишком высокой температуре видеокарты
  • Автоматический перезапуск майнера если слишком много отклоненных шар
  • Запуск монитора, который гарантирует, что ваш майнер начинает работать нормально
  • API для статистики майнинга
  • Веб-интерфейс для отслеживания статистики майнера
  • Несколько резервных пулов
  • Возможность добавлять новые пулы на лету, не перезапуская майнер
  • Мониторинг сложности, не подключаться к пулу, если уровень сложности слишком высок
  • Мониторинг тайм-аута, не подключаться к пулу, если работа не получена в течение длительного времени
  • Легко переключает видеокарты AMD в режим вычислений

Поддерживает алгоритмы


+ cpupower + m7mv2 + randomarq + randomsfx + randomv
+ randomwow + randomx + randomxl + yescryptr16 + yescryptr32
+ yescryptr8 + yespower + yespower2b + yespoweric + yespoweriots
+ yespowerlitb + yespowerltncg + yespowerr16 + yespowersugar
+ yespowerurx


+ blake2b + blake2s + eaglesong + k12 + kadena + keccak
+ mtp + rainforestv2 + yescrypt

Поддерживаемые устройства:

  • VEGA 56/64/FE/VII
  • RX 460/470/480/550/560/570/580/590
  • R9 285/285X/380/380X
  • R9 290/290X
  • R9 Fury/Nano
  • + Процессоры

Настройка батника

Для того чтобы начать майнинг нам нужно создать или отредактировать файл с расширением .bat. В нем указать следующие команды:

SRBMiner-MULTI батник
  1. SRBMiner-MULTI.exe — команда запуска приложения SRBMiner
  2. —algorithm randomx — указать алгоритм для майнинга
  3. —pool — указать адрес пула
  4. 14444 — указать порт пула
  5. -wallet 44tLjmXrQ…c55648d — указать кошелек монеты. Кошелек можно получить либо на бирже, либо установить холодный кошелек Monero.
  6. —gpu-target-temperature 70 — программа будет стремиться поддерживать эту температуру
  7. —gpu-off-temperature 83 — майнер выключится при достижении этой температуры и включится когда она снизится
  8. —send-stales — отправлять в пул устаревшие шары (некоторые пулы их частично оплачивают, либо начисляют бонусы).
  9. -enable-restart-on-rejected — автоматический перезапуск майнера если слишком много отклоненных шар

Пример батника:

@echo off
cd %~dp0

set LOGTIME=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%
set LOGTIME=%LOGTIME:,=.%.txt

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool --wallet 44tLjmXrQNrWJ5NBsEj2R77ZBEgDa3fEe9GLpSf2FRmhexPvfYDUAB7EXX1Hdb3aMQ9FLqdJ56yaAhiXoRsceGJCRS3Jxkn.rig1


1. Disable CPU mining, use only GPU mining

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-cpu

2. Run miner in background without console window, with API enabled on port 17644 (

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --background --api-enable --api-port 17644

3. Disable GPU mining, use 7 CPU threads with extended logging enabled and saved to Logs\log.txt file

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm keccak --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-gpu --cpu-threads 7 --log-file Logs\log.txt --extended-log

4. Full example for CPU & GPU mining set only from cmd (4 GPU/s used and 7 CPU threads on K12 algorithm)

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm k12 --gpu-id 0,1,2,3 --gpu-intensity 26,25,26,26 --gpu-worksize 256,256,256,256 --gpu-threads 1,1,1,1 --cpu-threads 7 --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here

5. Disable GPU mining, use 15 CPU threads with extended logging enabled and saved to Logs\log.txt file, start mining Randomx from block height 1978433 and run miner in background

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm randomx --pool your-pool-here --wallet your-wallet-here --disable-gpu --cpu-threads 15 --log-file Logs\log.txt --extended-log --background --start-block-height 1978433

Update infos :

+ Fixed ‘defyx’ algorithm on Intel CPU’s (previous version broke it)
+ Hashrate stats (pressing ‘h’) now shows current hashing speed of CPU, and not the 10 second average
+ Lowered pool reconnection time to 15 sec
+ Added parameter ‘–gpu-ethash-mode’ to cmd parameters
+ Added parameter ‘gpu_ethash_mode’ to config parameters
+ Added parameter ‘ethash_mode’ to gpu_conf parameters
+ Added parameter ‘–disable-cpu-auto-affinity’

+ Added ‘randomepic’ algorithm (EpicCash RandomX) solo/pool
+ ‘ethash’ and ‘ubqhash’ algorithm faster ~1.5% on Vega
+ ‘RandomX’ algorithm improvements
+ Fixed allocation of ‘RandomX’ dataset for 1Gb pages (–randomx-use-1gb-pages parameter)
+ Fixed an issue with MSR tweaks not being applied correctly
+ Lowered ‘minotaur’ algorithm devfee to 2%
+ Fixed crashing of ‘minotaur’ algorithm on AVX2 capable cpu’s
+ ‘–send-stales’ is now set per pool, it accepts true/false. Default is true.
+ ‘send_stales’ parameter added to pools config file too
+ ‘–gpu-intensity’ option can now be used in combination with auto gpu setup in cmd
+ Improved gpu watchdog
+ Added temporary parameter ‘–cnpool-bbc-fix’ which disables workers if job diff >= 50
+ Minor bug fixes

+ added ‘ethash’ algorithm
+ added ‘ubqhash’ algorithm
+ added parameter ‘–esm’ to set ethash/ubqhash stratum mode for pool (0 – eth-proxy, 1 – miner-proxy)
+ added parameter ‘esm’ to pools config (ethash/ubqhash stratum mode for pool (0 – eth-proxy, 1 – miner-proxy))
+ added parameter ‘–enable-ethash-leak-fix’ which tries to workaround AMD driver memory leak when recreating DAG
+ fixed algo switching and tweak_profiles miner freeze bug
+ –gpu-tweak-profile option can now be used with auto gpu setup in cmd

+ Added ‘tellor’ algorithm ( compatible stratum)
+ Improvements on ‘minotaur’ algorithm
+ Guided setup fixed & simplified

+ Improvements for 4G Ellesmere cards on ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm
+ Small improvements on ‘yespower’ CPU algorithms
+ Added parameters ‘disable_cpu’ and ‘disable_gpu’ in configuration file
+ Fixed ‘handshake’ algorithm mining on nicehash
+ Algoswitching now reconnects back to main pool when it gets available
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added CPU algorithm ‘minotaur’ (Ring coin)
+ Added CPU algorithm ‘yespowerres’ (Resistance coin)
+ 2-4% faster ‘cryptonight_bbc’ on some GPU’s
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Added algorithm ‘randomkeva’ (Keva coin upcoming algorithm)
+ Added Navi support for ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm
+ Much better auto setup for RX 4xx/5xx 8G cards on ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm

+ Miner now works on older linux distributions ( Ubuntu 16.04 – glibc2.23 )
+ Small hashrate increase on ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm for some GPU’s
+ Yescrypt algorithms hashrate increase on CPU if miner run with administrator/root privilege
+ Fixed GPU sensors reading on Linux
+ Fixed a bug that sometimes stopped hashing when connected to the pool after a long reconnect period
+ Renamed ‘–disable-randomx-tweaks’ parameter to ‘–disable-msr-tweaks’, ‘–disable-tweaking’ to ‘–disable-gpu-tweaking’, and ‘–randomx-use-tweaks’ to ‘–msr-use-tweaks’
+ Minor bug fixes

+ Hashrate increased even more on ‘kadena’ algorithm, and at the same time lowered power usage
+ Small hashrate increase on ‘yescrypt’ CPU algorithms
+ Minor bug fixes

+ ‘kadena’ algorithm huge hashrate increase
+ Added ‘gpu_’ prefix to GPU related parameters in config file : gpu_intensity, gpu_raw_intensity, gpu_worksize, gpu_threads, gpu_tweak_profile, gpu_target_temperature, gpu_shutdown_temperature, gpu_off_temperature. ‘gpu_conf’ parameters naming stays the same.
+ Added new parameters in config file : cpu_threads, cpu_affinity, cpu_priority
+ Renamed ‘pool_use_tls’ in pool configuration file to ‘tls’

+ ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm updated (active from block 133060)
+ Added ‘–enable-opencl-cleanup’ parameter to enable OpenCL resources freeing on miner exit/restart (default is disabled because it can hang miner if driver crashed)

+ Added ‘cryptonight_bbc’ algorithm (BigBangCore) – DevFee 2.5%
+ Lowered devfee for ‘bl2bsha3’ to 2%
+ Some gpu’s might get a tiny hashrate increase on ‘bl2bsha3’
+ Gpu sensors now available in Linux
+ –adl-disable parameter now available in Linux
+ –shutdown-temperature parameter (shutdown_temperature in config) now available in Linux
+ –gpu-off-temperature parameter (off_temperature in config) now available in Linux
+ Removed option to set difficulty for ‘bl2bsha3’ in password field
+ Removed notification for 6block stratum compatibility
+ Possibly fixed a bug where miner shows it’s hashing (always shows exactly same hashrate), but gpu’s are stalled

+ Fixed share accepted/rejected display issue with 6block pool (HNS)
+ Fixed miner auto restarting issue on Linux
+ Tiny hashrate increase on ‘bl2bsha3’ with some GPU’s

+ Hashrate increase on ‘bl2bsha3’ algorithm (~ 10-15% )
+ Added support for Navi (gfx1010) cards for ‘bl2bsha3’ (let’s just say it works)
+ Added possibility to set difficulty for ‘bl2bsha3’ . Just enter it in the pool password field.
+ Miner can be now used on pools other than 6block if they implement the same stratum protocol as 6block

+ Added algorithm ‘bl2bsha3’ (Handshake (HNS) coin – pool only)
+ RandomX fixes
+ Added ‘–gpu-platform’ parameter to cmd config, and ‘gpu_platform’ to configuration files to force opencl platform
+ Added ‘–randomx-use-1gb-pages’ parameter to config, whiche enables 1GB sized page files if supported by CPU
+ When reading pools or algorithms configuration file, if invalid entry found it will be just skipped

+ Fixed ERROR 0x4002

+ First version for Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
+ Removed RandomV (MoneroV) algorithm
+ Added ‘defyx’ algorithm (Scala)
+ Added ‘yespoweritc’ algorithm (Intercoin)
+ Added ‘cryptonight_catalans’ algorithm (CatalansCoin)
+ Added ‘cryptonight_talleo’ algorithm (Talleo)
+ –randomx-use-tweaks accepts now values from 0-4, [ 0 – Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 – AMD ]
+ Added parameter ‘worker’ to pools config and cmd parameters -> defines worker name for RPC2
+ a lot of bug fixes

+ Added RandomV algorithm (MoneroV)
+ Added –randomx-use-tweaks , to select the MSR tweak/s to apply
+ Added RandomX tweak support for Intel Core2 processors

V0.1.9 beta
+ Added RandomSFX algorithm (SafexCash)
+ RandomX algorithm/s improvements
+ Added RandomX algorithm/s extra tweak that can increase hashrate
+ Added parameter –disable-randomx-tweaks
+ Fixed K12 algorithm
+ –cpu-priority now affects main process too (not just worker threads)
+ default –cpu-priority is now 2 (below normal)
+ bug fixes
+ added license text to readme for RandomX and WinRing0

V0.1.8 beta
+ Added Kadena algorithm (pool mining only)
+ Added yespoweric algorithm (IsotopeC)
+ Added yespoweriots algorithm (IOTScoin)
+ Added yespower2b AVX support
+ Fixed nicehash protocol compatibility with rpc2
+ Miner now won’t quit if not enough free RAM for an algorithm, it will just warn the user

V0.1.7 beta
+ Added ‘m7mv2’ algorithm (Magi coin – XMG)
+ Cpu auto configuration should be better than on previous versions
+ Added CPU data to API, also rearranged a few things in API
+ Console window ‘Quick Edit’ mode disabled on miner start, so users won’t accidentally pause miner by clicking in the console window

V0.1.6 beta
+ Fixed threads binding on systems with more than 1 numa node
+ Better auto configuration for cpu mining
+ Previous two fixes should bring higher hashrates
+ Added pool controlled algorithm switching capability (Monero Ocean)
+ Added pool config parameter “algo_min_time” and –algo-min-time to cli (Monero Ocean)
+ Added pool config parameter “keepalive” and –keepalive to cli

V0.1.5 beta
+ Added cpu algorithms : RandomX, RandomXL, RandomWow, RandomArq
+ Added cli parameters: –cpu-priority, –disable-huge-pages, –disable-hw-aes, –disable-numa
+ Added pool config parameter ‘start_block_height’ and –start-block-height cli parameter
+ Fixed a bug that limited the number of threads useable for cpu mining
+ Fixed cpu affinity parameter and thread/s binding to affinity mask
+ Where possible, now using huge pages if available, this should bring a slight performance increase
+ Removed OpenCL dependency if using only cpu miner
+ Added limited Overdrive8 support (adl type 3)

V0.1.4 beta
+ Fixed a critical bug with work creation for fast algorithms [k12, keccak]

V0.1.3 beta
+ Keccak algorithm +15% faster on gpu
+ K12 algorithm +8-12% faster on gpu [vega56 ~1700mhs]
+ Guided setup got smarter a little bit

V0.1.2 beta
+ Added support for kangaroo12 algo [k12]
+ All algorithms that have a fee now have the same ~0.85% devfee
+ More bug fixes

V0.1.1 beta
+Added yespowerltncg, yespowersugar, yespowerurx, yespower2b, eaglesong (nervos-ckb) algorithms
+Added support for SHA with yespower algorithm family
+Bug fixes

Рекомендуемые новые статьи:

XMRig v6.0.0: Скачать с поддержкой майнинга KAWPOW & RandomX для AMD & Nvidia

TeamRedMiner v0.7.4: Обновление для Kawpow и Ethash (AMD GPU 4GB VRAM)

NVFlash v5.590.0 Nvidia Bios Flashing (Download with Board ID Mismatch Disabled)

TeamRedMiner v0.7.3: Download AMD GPU Cryptocurrency Miner

AwesomeMiner Version 7.7.2: GPU/CPU/ASIC/FPGA multi-miner

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