TeamRedMiner v0.7.15 – Download optimized miner for AMD GPUs

GitHub: Download TeamRedMiner v0.7.15

Этот выпуск поддерживает ряд алгоритмов, оптимизированных для графических процессоров AMD GCN (ethash, kawpow, nimiq, lyra2z, phi2, lyra2rev3, x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x16rt, MTP, cuckarood29, cuckatoo31, chukwa-512, cryptonight R, a cryptonight v8 множество других вариантов криптографии).

Это оптимизированный майнер только для видеокарт семейства AMD. Майнер настраивается только через батник (файл с расширением .bat). Конфигурацию настраивать не нужно (есть автонастройка).

батник teamredminer
  1. teamredminer.exe – указывает какое приложение будет запущено. Этот файл должен находиться в одной и той же папке, что и .bat файл
  2. -a kawpow – указываем алгоритм для майнинга. Для Ravencoin мы указали cnr, а например, для монеты Zcoin мы бы указали mtp
  3. после длинной конструкции -o stratum+tcp:// мы указываем адрес пула
  4. :4501 – указав адрес пула, ставим двоеточие и пишем порт пула. Адрес и порт можно найти на самом пуле. Обычно в разделе Get Started или Help
  5. -u RKAeArXkWLNERjWo5YF3R1xFnYCwKf11sX – указываем кошелек, на который будет идти майнинг. В нашем случае это Ravencoin.
  6. -p x – команда p означает пароль. На пуле minermore (как и на 90% всех пулов) пароль не требуется, поэтому пишем x
  7. pause – необязательная команда. Нужна лишь для того, что бы программа сразу же не закрылась в случае возникновения какой-либо ошибки, а отобразила ее.

Готовый пример (не забудьте поменять кошелек на свой!)

teamredminer.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RKAeArXkWLNERjWo5YF3R1xFnYCwKf11sX.trmtest -p x

teamredminer v0.7.15

This is an optimized miner for AMD GPUs created by todxx and kerney666.

Download is available in the github releases section.

TRM discord server:

Below is a list of mining operating systems and management software that have built-in support for teamredminer:

This miner supports a range of algorithms. Please see the list below for details. The miner is configured via command line only, please run with the –help option to print a short help message for how to use the command line options.

This miner includes the following algorithms and their respective dev fees:

Ethash on Polaris GPUs0.75%
Ethash on all other GPUs1.0%
Cryptonight R2.5%
Cryptonight v8 upx22.5%
Cryptonight v8 turtle2.5%
Cryptonight v8 half2.5%
Cryptonight v8 double2.5%
Cryptonight v8 rwz2.5%
Cryptonight v82.5%
Cryptonight heavy2.5%
Cryptonight haven2.5%
Cryptonight saber2.5%
Cryptonight conceal2.5%
Chukwa-512 (Turtlecoin)2.5%

GPUs supported and tested:

  • Navi – RX 5700(XT)/5600(XT)/5500(XT) for supported algos in the table below.
  • Vega – RX Vega 64/56, Vega FE, Radeon VII (Vega 2)
  • Polaris – RX 580/480/570/470/560/460/550

Some algorithms are not supported on some GPU architectures and/or drivers. Below is the compatiblity table:

Cryptonight RNLL
Cryptonight v8 upx2NLL
Cryptonight v8 turtleNLL
Cryptonight v8 halfNLL
Cryptonight v8 doubleNLL
Cryptonight v8 rwzNLL
Cryptonight v8NLL
Cryptonight heavyNLL
Cryptonight havenNLL
Cryptonight saberNLL
Cryptonight concealNLL

Support legend:

  • Y = Supported
  • N = Not supported
  • L = Limited support: algos are supported on windows and linux with amdgpu-pro drivers, not supported on ROCm drivers.

The miner reports GPU hash rates every 30 seconds. These are the full GPU hash rates before dev fee deduction (your pool hashrate will be slightly lower).

The miner includes a read-only api based on the sgminer-5.5 API. Both the json and text formats are supported. For more details, we refer to the sgminer api documentation.

For reporting bugs and/or for features requests, please open an issue on this project’s github issue tracker.

For example command lines please see the batch/shell scripts in the miner download packages. For command line options see the USAGE.txt file that comes with the miner.

Changes in v0.7.15

Small bugfix release.

Release notes:

  • Ethash: fixed bug for ZIL (epoch 0) mining on 4GB gpus (bug appeared in 0.7.14).
  • Ethash: reverted to v0.7.10 kernels for stability purposes except for ROCm-based rigs.

Changes in v0.7.14

This release wraps up our work for 4GB gpus mining ethash. Linux 4GB are verified to mine up to and including epoch 381 on drivers 18.50/19.30/19.50/20.10. After that, we have added support for extended mining from epoch 382 and up. Extended mining is a trade-off between hashrate and being able to mine at all, gpus will lose additional hashrate for every extra epoch. Please see the Linux section in the ETHASH_4GB_HOWTO.txt for more details and instructions.

Release notes:

  • Ethash: verified Linux support for 4GB gpus up to and including epoch 381.
  • Ethash: added support for extended 4GB mining from epoch 382 and up.
  • Kawpow: cleaned up false hw errs for some block heights.

Changes in v0.7.13

  1. Windows user with 4GB rigs – see the new guide ETHASH_4GB_HOWTO.txt for instructions.

Release notes:

  • Added better default Windows dag allocation strategy on 4GB gpus.
  • Added experimental support for resetting gpus before mining (Windows only).
  • Added argument for manual adjustment of 4GB dag allocation (see –eth_4g_alloc_adjust=X,Y,Z,…).
  • Added protection against broken dev servers with additional random server selection mechanism.

Changes in v0.7.12

  1. Bugfix release: v0.7.11 could crash with rejected ethash shares.

Release notes:

  • Fixed print format bug on ethash rejected shares.

Changes in v0.7.11

  1. Ethash additions: printing share diff in GH (always enabled), hashrate watchdog (see –eth_hashwatch).
  2. Better debug support: –long_timestamps, –pool_debug.
  3. We’ve found certain motherboard/bios combinations that due to kernel and/or driver bugs have issues with the first or last gpu in rigs. If you see excessive hw errors reported on a single gpu, and switching around gpus still always generates errors in the first or last gpu, try using –eth_dag_alloc_patch.

Release notes:

  • Added DAG allocation patch under linux for certain mobo/bios combinations (see –eth_dag_alloc_patch).
  • Added ethash hashrate watchdog (see –eth_hashwatch).
  • Added ethash abort mechanism for Vegas on ROCm (see –eth_direct_abort). Not useful in other contexts.
  • Added pool traffic debug (use –pool_debug).
  • Added print of share difficulty for ethash family algos. Unit is always GH.
  • Added microsec timestamp resolution in logs (use –long_timestamps).
  • Regression bug: argon2/chukwa was broken in 0.7.10, now working again.
  • Turned off compute mode checks for non-Polaris gpus.

Changes in v0.7.10

Release notes:

  1. Ethash 4GB rigs, especially on win, should use –eth_alloc_epoch=N with N being the max epoch that the gpus can allocate. This will avoid DAG reallocation issues.
  2. For Navi rigs having issues with eth+zil or Nicehash mining with frequent DAG switching, try using –eth_dag_slowdown=9.
  • Added default log filename (trm__<yyyymmdd_hhmmss>.log)
  • Added ethash forced initial allocated epoch ( –eth_alloc_epoch=N). Note: HIGHLY recommended for 4GB rigs.
  • Added ethash family DAG build slowdown configuration (–eth_dag_slowdown=N, default value 4).
  • Added ethash family DAG build staggering across gpus (disable with –eth_no_stagger).
  • Added ethash family intensity ramp-up (disable with –eth_no_ramp_up).
  • Added option for forcing dev fee region (see –dev_location).
  • Added MTP for Navi gpus.
  • Added MTP ramp-up after pad rebuild.
  • Fixed error printouts on failed watchdog script execution on Linux.
  • Stats: now shows more clocks and temps, and also adds gpu state in hashrate prints (see –short_stats to disable).
  • Added checks for and enabling compute mode and disabling crossfire on Windows (see –enable_compute).

Changes in v0.7.9

  • Fixes for mixed rig mining on Linux.
  • Added –eth_epoch argument for easier epoch testing.
  • Added –eth_aggr_mode for automatic aggressive ‘B’ mode on Polaris 8GB gpus.
  • Added –watchdog_disable argument.

Changes in v0.7.8

  • Upgrade for the upcoming Haven hard fork (July 20, 2020).
  • Tiny Nimiq optimizations (1-2% max, mostly Vega and Navi).
  • Fixed CPU usage issue when redirecting stdin to /dev/null.
  • Fixed pool name returned by API for Nimiq.

Changes in v0.7.7

  • Added support for Nimiq Polaris/Vega (dumb mode only).
  • Integrated a Nimiq node.js network proxy into the miner.
  • Fixed Nimiq bug that could lose shares, especially against lower vardiff pools.
  • Fixed Nimiq bug that could cause duplicate shares on startup for low-diff pools.
  • Fixed regression bug for ethash Nicehash, correct stratum mode now used again.
  • Added support for Nimiq Navi.
  • Added support for icemining Nimiq solo mining mode (set -p m=solo).

Changes in v0.7.6

  • Fixed broken keyboard input in tmux+screen sessions (e.g. Hive OS).
  • Added support for 5500(xt).
  • Fixed Linux watchdog support for hard driver crashes (script was not executed).
  • Fixed kawpow nicehash extranonce support.

Changes in v0.7.5

  • Fixed broken optimizations for kawpow in 0.7.4.

Changes in v0.7.4

  • Increased ethash support on 4GB GPUs up to epoch 380-383
  • Implemented split ethash dag buffers for 8GB GPUs to support DAGs over 4GB
  • Kawpow optimizations (Navi +2.25%, Vega +1.25%, Polaris +0.25%)
  • Added gpu enable/disable API support.
  • Windows TDR detection/handling/warning.
  • Monitor detection on Windows/Linux with intensity adjustment.
  • Fix for ethash pool hashrate reporting stopping after network outage.

Changes in v0.7.3

  • Emergency patch for 4GB cards to handle a few more ETC epochs. A more complete patch is coming out shortly.

Changes in v0.7.2

  • Fixed kawpow dag build DEAD gpu issue on windows Adrenalin 2020 drivers.
  • Fixed Navi 5600(xt) support on windows.
  • Fixed mining on Vegas on older amdgpu-pro drivers.
  • Fixed ADL reporting of stats on windows for newer cards.

Changes in v0.7.1

  • Fixed issue with VII ethash/kawpow on windows.

Changes in v0.7.0

  • Added kawpow algo for Ravencoin.
  • Added Navi support for kawpow and ethash.
  • Changed device ordering to be pcie bus based by default, added –opencl_order option.
  • Fixed issue with –list devices not working without other args.
  • Reformatted help message to hopefully make it easier to read.
  • Added multipool example scripts.
  • Removed ssl/tls server name verification (was re-added with TLS SNI fix)
  • Fixed an unhandled signal bug that would cause rare crashes.
  • Fixed multi-pool API bug.

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