SMP + (SmartMinerPRO) – New multi-miner for CPU / GPU / ASIC

SmartMinerPRO (SMP+)

SMP + is a smart multi-currency crypto miner for CPU / GPU / ASIC, which itself finds available equipment and selects the optimal settings. SMP + allows you to connect / disconnect / stop / start one or several farms in one click.

Features SMP +

  • Built-in miners: XMR-STAK & XMRIG, GMINER. T-REX, TeamRedMiner, CGMiner, T-Rex, NBMiner, Nanominer, PhoenixMiner, CCMiner, miniZ, Cpu-miner, cpuminer-opt, Kadena miner, Kawpowminer and many others.
  • Works on all versions of Windows
  • Over 50 of the best mining pools
  • CPU & GPU Mining
  • Easy to use
  • Easy installation of miners and configuration files (.bat).
  • To start mining using SMP +, just enter your wallet in the .bat file of the selected miner.
  • SMP + has demonstrated high performance when working with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Monero, Raven and other currencies, is highly stable and easy to configure.
  • Simple one-touch coin mining for CPUs that support at least SSE2 (only works on Windows x64).
  • Simple mining on one GPU for NVIDIA GPUs using SM 3.0+ microarchitecture.
  • Simple GPU mining with one click using any AMD GPUs that support OpenCL.
  • Integrated support for a simple multi-algorithm. Always my most profitable algorithm.
  • Integrated benchmarking tool.
  • Watch-function – automatically restarts the miner in the event of a crash or freeze.


SMP + is completely free software and does not have DevFee, but this does not apply to third-party miners who have their own development committee.

Download SMP +

  • SMP (SmartMinerPRO) – version without pre-installed miners and .bat files
  • SMP + (SmartMinerPRO +) – version with a full package of pre-installed miners and .bat files + instructions


System Requirements

  • WINDOWS XP, 7,8,10 or later (x64)
  • CPU (x64 / x86 / ARM) For mining a CPU a modern CPU with SSE2 support
  • OpenCL for AMD GPUs. For AMD mining any AMD GPU with OpenCL support
  • CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs. For mining NVIDIA any NVIDIA GPU with Computing Capability (SM) 3.0 or later
  • Actual patches for OS
  • Modern drivers for all GPUs
  • Reliable internet connection
  • .NET Framework 4.8 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable 2015.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8:

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015:

Supported SMP + miners:

  • bminer
  • ccminer
  • Nanominer
  • Claymore
  • cpuminer-opt
  • CryptoDredge
  • ethminer
  • EWB
  • Gminer
  • kawpowminer
  • lolMiner
  • miniZ
  • NBMiner
  • PhoenixMiner
  • Progpowminer
  • SRBMiner-CN
  • SRBMiner-Multi
  • TeamRedMiner
  • T-Rex
  • TT-Miner
  • xmrig
  • xmr-stak
  • z-enemy
  • zm

How to install and use SMP +

  • Download the archive from SmartMinerPRO +
  • Unzip the archive to a convenient location
  • Run SMP + .exe
  1. When starting SMP for the first time, select a coin to mine.
    • If you wish, you can choose the equipment that will be used, as a standard, all available CPU / GPUs will be used.
  2. Click “Start mining”, in the window of mining options, select the miner and the .bat file (coins pool).
    • By default, safe recommended settings are used to increase the profitability of mining.
  3. You can edit the .bat file to replace the wallet and pool values with your own by clicking the “EDIT” button.
    • If you wish, you can replace the request parameters; for this, we recommend that you refer to the practical guide in the root folder of the miner.
  4. After replacing the wallet and pool values with yours, click “RUN”
  5. Then coin mining begins.

Command line options


--no-cpu                  disable CPU mining backend
-o, --url=URL                 URL of mining server
-a, --algo=ALGO               mining algorithm 
  --coin=COIN               specify coin instead of algorithm
  -u, --user=USERNAME           username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD           password for mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P            username:password pair for mining server
  -x, --proxy=HOST:PORT         connect through a SOCKS5 proxy
  -k, --keepalive               send keepalive packet for prevent timeout (needs pool support)
  --nicehash                enable support
  --rig-id=ID               rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  --tls                     enable SSL/TLS support (needs pool support)
  --tls-fingerprint=HEX     pool TLS certificate fingerprint for strict certificate pinning
  --daemon                  use daemon RPC instead of pool for solo mining
  --daemon-poll-interval=N  daemon poll interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)
  -r, --retries=N               number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  -R, --retry-pause=N           time to pause between retries (default: 5)
  --user-agent              set custom user-agent string for pool
  --donate-level=N          donate level, default %% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
  --donate-over-proxy=N     control donate over xmrig-proxy feature

CPU backend:

  --no-cpu                  disable CPU mining backend
  -t, --threads=N               number of CPU threads
  -v, --av=N                    algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  --cpu-affinity            set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
  --cpu-priority            set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
  --cpu-max-threads-hint=N  maximum CPU threads count (in percentage) hint for autoconfig
  --cpu-memory-pool=N       number of 2 MB pages for persistent memory pool, -1 (auto), 0 (disable)
  --cpu-no-yield            prefer maximum hashrate rather than system response/stability
  --no-huge-pages           disable huge pages support
  --asm=ASM                 ASM optimizations, possible values: auto, none, intel, ryzen, bulldozer
  --randomx-init=N          thread count to initialize RandomX dataset
  --randomx-no-numa         disable NUMA support for RandomX
  --randomx-mode=MODE       RandomX mode: auto, fast, light
  --randomx-1gb-pages       use 1GB hugepages for dataset (Linux only)
  --randomx-wrmsr=N         write custom value (0-15) to Intel MSR register 0x1a4 or disable MSR mod (-1)
  --randomx-no-rdmsr        disable reverting initial MSR values on exit
  --astrobwt-max-size=N     skip hashes with large stage 2 size, default: 550, min: 400, max: 1200
  --astrobwt-avx2           enable AVX2 optimizations for AstroBWT algorithm


  --api-worker-id=ID        custom worker-id for API
  --api-id=ID               custom instance ID for API
  --http-host=HOST          bind host for HTTP API (default:
  --http-port=N             bind port for HTTP API
  --http-access-token=T     access token for HTTP API
  --http-no-restricted      enable full remote access to HTTP API (only if access token set)

OpenCL backend:

  --opencl                  enable OpenCL mining backend
  --opencl-devices=N        comma separated list of OpenCL devices to use
  --opencl-platform=N       OpenCL platform index or name
  --opencl-loader=PATH      path to OpenCL-ICD-Loader (OpenCL.dll or
  --opencl-no-cache         disable OpenCL cache
  --print-platforms         print available OpenCL platforms and exit

CUDA backend:

  --cuda                    enable CUDA mining backend
  --cuda-loader=PATH        path to CUDA plugin (xmrig-cuda.dll or
  --cuda-devices=N          comma separated list of CUDA devices to use
  --cuda-bfactor-hint=N     bfactor hint for autoconfig (0-12)
  --cuda-bsleep-hint=N      bsleep hint for autoconfig
  --no-nvml                 disable NVML (NVIDIA Management Library) support


  --tls-gen=HOSTNAME        generate TLS certificate for specific hostname
  --tls-cert=FILE           load TLS certificate chain from a file in the PEM format
  --tls-cert-key=FILE       load TLS certificate private key from a file in the PEM format
  --tls-dhparam=FILE        load DH parameters for DHE ciphers from a file in the PEM format
  --tls-protocols=N         enable specified TLS protocols, example: "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
  --tls-ciphers=S           set list of available ciphers (TLSv1.2 and below)
  --tls-ciphersuites=S      set list of available TLSv1.3 ciphersuites


-S, --syslog                  use system log for output messages
-l, --log-file=FILE           log all output to a file
  --print-time=N            print hashrate report every N seconds
  --health-print-time=N     print health report every N seconds
  --no-color                disable colored output
  --verbose                 verbose output


-c, --config=FILE             load a JSON-format configuration file
-B, --background              run the miner in the background
-V, --version                 output version information and exit
-h, --help                    display this help and exit
  --dry-run                 test configuration and exit
  --export-topology         export hwloc topology to a XML file and exit
  --title                   set custom console window title
  --no-title                disable setting console window title      

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